What lies behind our desires

What lies behind our desires

Oh, what would we do if we didn’t have a desire? Desire is one of the central component propels us to move  forward, so we constantly stay motivated for more. We are where we are because we never seized to desire. Desire something more, something better, something grander. New house, new job, new title, new car, new relationship, new baby, new journey, new road, new experiences etc. It never stops.

And nothing wrong with that. However, I believe it’s absolutely important to understand what lies behind any of our desires and how to manage them correctly.


What are we really chasing?

 The simple answer is - Feelings! Behind every desire, material or not, is the specific feeling that we want to experience.

Let’s take as an example: - a person who desires to have a sporty brand new car. What does this car truly represents to him or her? It can be a representation a feeling of success, accomplishment, wealth, recognition etc. Let’s take another example, - desire of parenting. Most people don’t realize why they truly want children, but instinctually most of the time they know they do want them. This as many other desires have altered with the time. In earlier times, desire to have a child was also closely linked to survival, hence more children meant more support to run the family. Today, parenthood desire often unveils the longing to give and receive love, to feel truly worthy.


‘’All roads lead to Rome’’

 Desires have been handed to us from generation to generation, while on each step we created the new ones and handed it to the next one. Nevertheless, I believe the meaning and main formula has always stayed the same.

At the end of the day, most of the time, our desires come to the deepest core need to be loved to have the feeling of being worthy. All the other sub-feelings fall under this umbrella into a different layer.


When the desire turns against us…

 Having a desire for something is wonderful; and usually it helps us to progress to a better quality life. However, it can and has often become somewhat of an endless addiction for most people, to run, run, run and never stop running after yet another desire. What an exhaustion this can create! Desire turns against us, when there is no joy and appreciation of yesterdays or todays’ accomplishment. What if we just take a break… Enjoy the moment in which we are right now. Look how far we have come and acknowledge all those desire that have been fulfilled for and by us until now!


Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
— Albert Einstein

What if all you need – you can have right now?!

 What if all you are chasing for – you can have now?! If all we are chasing is feelings, why not allow ourselves to experience these feelings right now?

To help you, I invite you to use our wonderful imagination and  imagine that all your desires you are having right now are already accomplished with all the details and glamour. All! How would you feel knowing that? Try to tune in this imagination and stay in this feeling, so you experience that which you are after. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishments and tell yourself over and over that you are worthy and lovable and that you can have all you want.


What’s next?

 So how does this visualization exercise effect you, you wonder. Well, it should give you the momentary peace of mind and true perspective on what you want and where and why you’re heading to. Will this eliminate all your desires? -I don’t think so... But boy would you enjoy your everyday life adventure, way more; eliminating constant rush and realizing that you can get yourself any feeling you are after at any given moment - just dare to turn on your imagination – the world can be yours right now!


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